Sunday, April 22, 2012

What are we teaching our kids about God?

Religion has been a part of every ancient and modern culture. So living ones culture also means living the religion it follows. Man began nature worship to thank and acknowledge the Might of Mother Nature. Soon the worshiping transformed into more complex forms, shapes, rules and restrictions.  What started as groups for the common good of the society has eventually  transformed into institutions which wage wars to defend their faith.  What has caused this mutation? Is religion any more for the good of its members? How have the religious beliefs changed over time? Are we teaching our kids the right thing?

In my opinion, religion is the most intimate relationship between man and God. It is a feeling of oneness with a Supreme Being. It is not a public display of power and dominance. God, if he exists is a public property everybody can enjoy but none can own. He is not God if he bestows his blessing on a reservation basis. If God is does not discriminate, why does Religion? Are our values misguiding us? How are we USING God?
As children, we tend to follow beliefs that their parents hold. With age come maturity in individual religious feelings and we start developing our own ideas of God and religion.  Unfortunately, many think of God as a mere Provider, a Santa Claus granting wishes. Some indulge in bribing God for good fortunes. In many instances, those people tend to be more religious who have the most fears about their future. The only things that attract them towards the Provider is fear of their impending failures, misfortunes and death. What seems comfortable to overcome these feelings is something socially acceptable to cling on ie. GOD.
In other cases, people believe worshiping is religiously holding onto their rituals fearing Dhosha of non-conformity. Here what parents pass on to their future generations is a bunch of fears, negativism and rituals sans their reasons.  What is lost in this seemingly ardent faith in God is the ability to see oneself in oneness with God. All those practices and faiths that should draw one towards Him have only divided men and distanced man from Him. God is merely a ritual in this ever-busy life.
How many of us would have given one moment to just sit there, close our eyes , and enjoy the amalgamation with nothing but a formless tranquility?

 We tag those people as atheists who do not see God as predefined entity. We tag those as atheist who can not see God as Christ or Krishna. We tag those as atheists who do not fight to defend their faiths with their religious counterparts. We tag those as atheist who believe living this life fully for the benefit of self and others is of utmost importance, than worrying constantly about previous and after lives.
Life is about co-existence and at the end of the day, the one who succeeds is the one who can truly utilize his religious values to achieve self and social harmony.  A religion which does not inculcate these values has merely defeated its purpose. Children who are taught that religion is a set of rituals and blind faiths tend to become religious fanatics, who would even justify killing people to keep up their faith. Children who are taught that God is a magician who performs miracles whenever sought tend to become atheists for they are so aware of the imperfections in the worlds around them. Thus they end up distancing themselves from Him.
Hence the importance of the parents’ role in driving their young ones’ minds into positive viewpoints about God and Religion is vital. Let us teach children to respect themselves, think positively, have good faith and work for a better life. Let us not fill up their inquisitive minds with our fears and blind faiths. Let us reason out God with them. Let them understand that God is not some fearful invisible watchdog, but he is like a pen friend who loves being in touch. Let us transcend our cultural and religious legacy not by passing on mere rituals but also the rich wisdom they stand for!